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Perception & Core Belief

Sabrina Trobak

If the core belief is not good enough, not important, not valued, she is going to have a lot of self doubt, anxiety, insecurity and lack confidence.  If a person’s core belief is good enough, important and valued,  she will feel confident in making decisions and choices and will likely focus more on the positive and her ability to handle things.  It is not the new year or new decade that dictates how the next 365 days will go, it is more about how she perceives the next 365 days.

If a person’s core belief is not good enough, not important and not valued, she will look for things to support this core belief. Her belief in herself, that she can handle stressful things is going to be low, so she will likely become stressed over many things (big and small) over the year, so in reflection, it will see the year was horrible.

If a person’s core belief is good enough, important and valued, she will appreciate and value a lot of things (big and small) in her life. She will believe in herself that she can handle stressful situations, thus making them less stressful.  When she reflects on her year, she will likely not see it as what the year gave her, but rather how she handled herself in various situations throughout a period of time, which could be days, weeks, months or years.

If You Look for it, You will Find it.

A person’s core belief drives everything you do.  If your core belief is not good enough, not important, not valued, you will look for things that support that belief and YOU WILL FIND THEM….EVERY SINGLE TIME.

If your core belief is good enough, important and valued, you will look for things that support that belief and YOU WILL FIND THEM….EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Perception….There it is!

Pregnant women will often report seeing lots of pregnant women when they are pregnant.  There aren’t more pregnant women, they are just noticing them more now because they are pregnant.  This is also true if you buy a new red car, often you will then notice all the other red cars.  There aren’t more red cars, you just notice it more because you just bought a new red car.

People often say things come in 3’s.  This isn’t really true, things just happen.   We look for threes and when we find 3, we stop looking for the 4th or 5th or we find 2 and then sneak a 3rd in that kind of fits in order to make three.  Many many times something just happens once and we don’t even acknowledge it.  Your perception makes things happen in 3’s.



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